
About Us and How to Join

Welcome! We hope you join Troop 631 United!  Topics on this page are:

 Overview of Troop Operation.  Scouts BSA Troop 631 -- on the charter, a Troop for boys and a Troop for girls, though the Youth Leaders now operate both Troops together as Troop 631 United) -- is sponsored by Woodward Academy, College Park, Georgia. 

Looking for Girl Scouts (the girl only program) at Woodward?  Email Anika Glenn.  But know that some girls do both Scouts BSA and Girl Scouts!

Signing Up a New Scout.  If you are not currently registered in Troop 631 with the national Scouting America organization, follow each of these steps -- if you are currently registered in Troop 631 with the national Scouting America organization, skip below to "Signing Up a Returning Troop 631 Scout" -- if you're not sure, contact bert.bender@alston.com):

  • First, registration and payment with the National Scouting America Organization (BeAScout.org)
    1. To Register a Boy: click this link for Troop 631 for boys.  To Register a Girl, click this link for Troop 631 for girls. {Separate registration portals for boys and girls are required by Scouting America for Charter purposes.}
    2. If you (the adult) do not have an existing "profile" in that My.Scouting site (a Username and Password), create one for you (the adult), and remember it for later.  If you do have an existing "profile" in that My.Scouting site as an adult, use that.
    3. It will ask whether you're registering for yourself (as an adult volunteer) or for your child.  We do want adult volunteers (more below), but for now, click "Start" under "Youth".
    4. It will ask if the child is a current or former Scout ... if "yes", it will ask for your Scouting ID Number, needed to transfer a current paid registration for the rest of the year (if you are currently registered in this calendar year) or to avoid the $25 new member fee if you were registered in Scouting America somewhere over the last five years.  If you don't know that number, email membership@atlanta631.mytroop.us and we'll try to sort it out for you (if you're in the Pack 631 Roster, click on your Name, and you'll see the Scouting ID Number).  If you are not a current or former member, click "No", not a current or former member.
    5. That takes you to a "Tell Us About Your Child" page, and from there, follow the prompts, enter the information, and checkout and pay for your Scout Registration Fee and Scout Life Subscription (if you want that magazine) for the next 12 months -- you'll be prompted to renew as you get to the expiration of the 12 months -- note that if you are transferring from a Cub Scout Pack or another Scouts BSA Troop with a current active registration, your transfer of a paid registration is free). 
  • Second, signup and payment through this Website for local Troop Program Fees (or "dues"), consisting of other Scouting Costs -- this part will open in Mid-August.  Troop Dues are paid on a "program year" basis that tracks the school year, so those joining in the summer and fall pay for a full year; those joining in the winter and spring would pay a fair portion of the annual dues (contact chair@atlanta631.mytroop.us and we'll calculate that amount - but in 2025 we're inclined to call that portion $0 as an incentive to sign up), but for Cub Scouts "crossing over" in the winter or spring, if they are paid in full with their former Pack, they are free of dues through that summer.  Troop local Program Fees (or "dues") are paid as follows: 
    • Click "Register" on the Calendar Entry that will be created in Mid August and called "2025-26 Troop Dues Payment". 
    • Click the dropdown list of "Scouts", and scroll down to select your Scout's name.  If the name is not listed there, email webmaster@atlanta631.mypack.us and we'll add you.
    • Click "Attending".  
    • Then follow the prompts to Check Out and pay through PayPal.
  • Third, complete a Medical Form and a Waiver of Liability, and Review Youth Protection.  See below:

Transfer from another Scouts BSA Troop?  If you are transferring from another another Scouts BSA Troop (not needed if you're coming from a Cub Scout Pack), and have a current Scouting Member ID Number, your advancement records should follow that Scouting Member ID Number

    • If it doesn't we'll work something out.  

Adult Leader Registration.  See below about being an Adult Leader registered with the Troop and, in addition, a Merit Badge Counselor -- Troop 631 expects that except in rare circumstances every adult registering as a Merit Badge Counselor will register first as either an Assistant Scoutmaster or Troop Committee Member:

    • Youth Protection Training.  if you do not have a current Scouting Membership ID Number with current -- within two years -- "Youth Protection Training", your Adult Application needs to be coupled with evidence of completion of "Youth Protection Training" by taking the course at my.scouting.org.  
    • Adult Application to be a Troop Leader (including ASM and Committee).  Now online.  Here's how. 
      1. Set up a My.Scouting account, or if you have one, log into your existing My.Scouting account.
      2. Do you have current "Youth Protection Training" (like in the past year)? If not, STOP and go to the "Youth Protection Training" section immediately above and take the course at my.scouting.org.  If you don’t, we can’t accept the Adult Application.  
      3. To apply to be a leader click this link for the Troop of boys and this link for the Troop of girls.  There is zero cost to being registered as an adult leader in both Troops - you would be a "Multiple" registrant.  Being on both rosters allows you data access for both Troops. 
      4. It will ask whether you're registering for yourself (as an adult volunteer) or for your child, so since you're reading about how to be an Adult Volunteer, click "Start" under "Adult".
      5. That takes you to a series of pages for Basic and Background Information (the national Scouting America organization runs background checks), so follow the prompts, enter the information, and checkout and pay for your national Scouting America Registration Fee for 12 months.  
      6. Email chair@atlanta631.mytroop.us and advise whether you want to be a Troop Committee Member or an Assistant Scoutmaster. 

There is no "dues" cost to being a Leader who is actually and meaningfully engaged in one or more Troop functions  (as listed in our "Help Wanted" page and this Menu of Leader and Hepler Roles); Leader fees for those are covered in the Troop Dues, so contact the Treasurer at treasurer@atlanta631.mytroop.us for a reimbursement.

    • If you "used to be registered" but dropped (for example, for adults, for failure to keep Youth Protection Training up to date, or you were in the Pack but didn't register with the Troop) ... yeah, you've got to start over with a new Adult Application and current YPT evidence (which might transfer if you have your "last year" Scouting Member ID Number).
    • If you really want to submit a paper application, don't.  Call the Troop Committee Chair, and we'll discuss.  
  • For those who want to be Merit Badge Counselors, follow these steps:
    • If you are not currently a Troop 631 Adult Leader, including as a Committee Member or Assistant Scoutmaster, scroll back up to the section right above called "Adult Application to be a Troop Leader (including ASM and Committee)", and follow those steps to be a Troop 631 Adult Leader.
      • If that is a problem, call the Troop Committee Chair, and we'll discuss.  
      • But because you'll be reimbursed for the cost of applying and you have to take Youth Protection Training either way, there's not a good reason not to also be on the Committee.
    • Once you are currently a Troop 631 Adult Leader with current (within two years) Youth Protection Training, please see atlantabsa.org/FindMBC for a new portal for registration
      • But ... be a Troop 631 Registered Leader first.  It will be easier and best for you.
      • More in "Registration as a Merit Badge Counselor 2023.docx" attached below.
      • That document will take you through the steps that you will see at that site so that you can complete it correctly and we can find your registration when it is complete.  
    • If you're already a Merit Badge Counselor now and you are just adding new Merit Badges, see atlantabsa.org/FindMBC for a new portal for updating your Merit Badges.   
    • More information about being a Counselor is in this Blog Post and in the Application itself, plus in the Scouting America "Learn Center" access through my.scouting.org you can find a 34 minute Merit Badge Counseling Course (select "catalog", then "programs", then "Scouts BSA", and find "Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training").  A list of Merit Badges can be found on this list of Merit Badge Worksheets, which gives you a good idea of the knowledge required to serve. 
    • More on Merit Badge Counseling is here -- Merit Badges are not Cub Scout Belt Loops or Activity Pins!  
    • If you really want to be a Merit Badge Counselor but not be an Adult Leader of Troop 631, you may follow the instructions found at www.atlantabsa.org/mbcounselor, which will probably include sending your paper to a District Advancement Chair.  The Troop Committee Chair or Advancement Team can help identify that person.